Employment Opportunity!

*Date Change* The computer lab will not be open today and tomorrow to assist with physicals online forms. The labs will be open for assistance next Wednesday, May 5th from 5:00p.m.-8:00p.m. The forms are available anytime to complete at home here: https://reagancountyisd.rankonesport.com/New/NewInstructionsPage.aspx?fbclid=IwAR0Zp5I7iAz61vg8yHT_7dx0IfavgSURV6EflvS67mtUTKdSFSldadPGUHk

Logan Knight finishes Region I Runner Up in boys singles. Headed to College Station!!! Congratulations Logan!!!!

Lizbeth Hernandez - Region I singles Champion!!!! State Bound!!!

State Bound!!! Congratulations to region I girls doubles champions-Delaney Yanez and Shyann Darr!

Big day for Coach T and RCHS tennis program in Abilene!
Logan Knight (singles)
Lizbeth Hernandez (singles)
Delaney Yanez / Shyann Darr (doubles)
All advanced to the Regional Finals...Good luck tomorrow morning!

RC Lady Owls softball team defeated Sonora tonight 11-4! They will travel to Crane on Monday night for a playoff seeding game against Stanton @ 6:30.

Watch Mrs. Soto get slimed by students who raised more than $50 for American Heart Association

Congratulations to freshman Julian Rodriguez who competed at the Region 1-AAA Track Meet today in Abilene. Great Season Julian!

APRIL 28th
5:30-6:30 2nd, 3rd, & 4th grade
MAY 5th
5:30-6:30 Pre-K,K,1st, & 5th grade
Please have your child at the side entrance by 5:15.

All incoming 7th, 9th, and 11th grade students
who will participate in sports or band will be REQUIRED to get a physical. EVERYONE will need to fill out forms even if they are not getting a physical. Click on the image for more information.

Happy Secretary's Day! You rock Mrs. Perez!!! Thank you for all you do!

Juniors and Seniors: We will be hosting the ACT on Saturday, June 12th. Registration (online) deadline is Friday, May 7th. Juniors planning on going to a 4 year university need to begin taking the ACT now. See Miss Venable if you have questions. It is an online registration.

Congratulations to Coach Soto and the Reagan County Baseball Team. Clinched a district title tonight in Crane with an 8-1 victory!

7th Grade students will be taking the STAAR Writing test tomorrow, April 20th. We will begin testing 1st period. 7th Grade boys will need to report to the middle school in the morning. 7th Grade girls will not dress out for athletics.

This is a reminder for families with a 7th grade student. We are taking the STAAR Writing test on Tuesday, April 20th. We are asking that all 7th grade students bring their Chromebook and Chromebook charger to school on Monday, April 19th. They will leave these in their testing rooms to charge. Please remember to send your student to school on Monday with their Chromebook and Chromebook charger. Thank you!

Nos gustaría invitar a los padres y guardianes a una reunión para hablar sobre el programa de Título I en nuestra escuela. Acompáñenos mientras discutimos y evaluamos el Pacto entre Escuela-Padres-Estudiantes y la Póliza de Participación de Padres y Familia. La reunión se llevará a cabo a través de Zoom el 20 de abril de 2021 a las 10:00 a.m. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71516657173?pwd=VERTTXJtOXpXYzVMbVltZHNXUFdtdz09
Meeting ID: 715 1665 7173 Passcode: NYN3jS
También necesitamos sus comentarios, ya que planeamos para el próximo año. Por favor complete la Encuesta de Participación de Padres y Familias del Título I: https://forms.gle/jzUcDmjXGbHHUCv77

We would like to invite parents and guardians to a meeting to discuss the Title I program in our school. Please join us as we discuss and evaluate the School-Parent-Student Compact and the Parent & Family Engagement Policy. The meeting will be held via Zoom on April 20, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71516657173?pwd=VERTTXJtOXpXYzVMbVltZHNXUFdtdz09
Meeting ID: 715 1665 7173 Passcode: NYN3jS
Your feedback is also needed as we plan for next year. Please complete the Title I Parent and Family Engagement Survey: https://forms.gle/XseujNGg7ymzYKtU6

Employment Opportunities

We accepted the mission to learn about how to take care of our hearts and save lives from heart disease and stroke through Kids Heart Challenge and we are doing a remarkable job! THANK YOU for being a part of that!
LAST CALL MISSION: Any student who has earned at least 1 or more online donation(s) during Kids Heart Challenge will get to sign our KHC Legacy Banner and be a part of Reagan County Elementary HISTORY!
Access the KHC Mission Experience to complete the missions.
Action to Complete the Mission: Visit our school’s Kids Heart Challenge page: http://www2.heart.org/site/TR?fr_id=5551&pg=company&company_id=280974 OR download the Kids Heart Challenge app and register!
We have 10 days until all donations are due on 4/19/2021.
Any student who raises $50 gets to slime a MYSTERY SLIMER
• Official SLIMERS!! WAY TO GO!!:Jacob G , Joseph F , Korah H , Avalee R , Kenzie V , Miriam C , Ace B , Hunter D , Kynlee G , Evan A , Kaci M , Ezra C , Chloe B , Nathan H , Rhyder L , Layla H , Rosalie E , Daniela D , Mikael B , Ryder D , Karen D , Jadian P , Luke V , Landon M , Kenna
• YOU’RE SO CLOSE!!: Alex R , Mika R , Elisa G , Ismael R , Bentley R , Adalyn R , Royer A , Adalee V , Matti W , Santiago S , Devin Y , Daniel Y , Caleb M , Dario G